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Is problem die with life....?

There is problem in life or life is a problem,

Is problem die with life?

thought of death make you feel better,better forever.

life of all,like a problem which never solve,

god of alll,make us free from all.

sometime it make you roll,sometime it difficult to control,

But there is some role,which have to play for all.

Problem in life,or life is a problem,

if problem die with life,

so,say me bye,and no need to cry.

Me creator of problem,Me sufferer of problem,Me solution of problem.

Is problem curse of god,is problem gift from oppose of god,

Is problem make sense at all,

Is problem every time make you fall,

Is problem die with life?

Problem of you is enough for you,problem of other is burden to you,

for it no matter how much you cry,

how bad you try?

So,if it not care for us so why should me.

life is not only to you it's for near,dear and kindly to you.

if life is a problem then didn't mean finish it,

it mean accept it,feel it,live it,belive it,solve it.

Some time i think to die,mean say life a final good bye..

and then remember that life is a problem

So I started to kill my problem and

that what i learned better to remove cause than to remove beats from hearts...... 


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