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When You Touched My Hand For First time .....Quote pic

Moody Sweet cute display pic for moody girls 'facebook'


Profile pics for Girls

look in the eyes of sweet sad teddy - missing you soo much dear 'quote pic'

heart touching quote


A baby searching love

teenage girls crying for her lost love.

teenage girl missing her boy friend touch

A boy missing his beloved.

A girl searching her love....

Teenagers diary: hug the symbol of love

Teenagers diary: hug the symbol of love

hug the symbol of love

teenage love hurts.....

love .....

Teenagers diary: teenage love hurts

Teenagers diary: teenage love hurts

teenage love =

teenage love is all about ........

A love poem .......

You live in my heart,   
i won't break it apart.  
even if it makes me to cry, 
i will love you till i die.       
Blood doesn't flow in my vein,     
your thought flows in it as a pain.   
I may not be the one for you,  
i would have still loved you- even if i knew.

     My love is not written on sand, 
for the waters to wash away,   it is written in my heart to stand,   
all the difficulty that comes its way.       
You still live in my eyes,     
even after seeing all the goodbyes.     
You can go to any place you desire,    
the dream of being together will- always burn like a fire....      

     I still smile looking into the life of yesterday,      
to wipe away the tears that you bring everyday.     
Nights seems to be getting longer and longer,    
with thoughts of u getting stronger and stronger.           
My love may not be one happy chapter,    
like the saying "they lived happily ever after".   
By loving,i have lost everything to you,  
what i still possess is just the memories- of once being with you......

Is problem die with life....?

There is problem in life or life is a problem,

Is problem die with life?

thought of death make you feel better,better forever.

life of all,like a problem which never solve,

god of alll,make us free from all.

sometime it make you roll,sometime it difficult to control,

But there is some role,which have to play for all.

Problem in life,or life is a problem,

if problem die with life,

so,say me bye,and no need to cry.

Me creator of problem,Me sufferer of problem,Me solution of problem.

Is problem curse of god,is problem gift from oppose of god,

Is problem make sense at all,

Is problem every time make you fall,

Is problem die with life?

Problem of you is enough for you,problem of other is burden to you,

for it no matter how much you cry,

how bad you try?

So,if it not care for us so why should me.

life is not only to you it's for near,dear and kindly to you.

if life is a problem then didn't mean finish it,

it mean accept it,feel it,live it,belive it,solve it.

Some time i think to die,mean say life a final good bye..

and then remember that life is a problem

So I started to kill my problem and

that what i learned better to remove cause than to remove beats from hearts...... 

I want to marry you

There Were Two Lovers Who Decided To End Their Relationship.

After Many Years When The Boy Got Married,His Ex G.F Approached Him and 

said:“How Dare You Use My Favorite Color As The Theme Of Your Wedding ..!

How Dare You Use My Favorite Flowers As Youe Decoration!

How Dare You Set The Date I Proposed You As Your Wedding Day and

How Dare You Use Our Song For The Ceremony ??

The Boy Cried‘n Said“Because 

This Is The Only WayI Could Pretend To My Heart That I’m Getting Married To 

YOU. ;(

A special feeling ...

I knew it was special from the very start,
It envelopes my body, my core, my heart.
 A shining, uplifting, persistent feeling,
It embraces and warms my entire being.

This special feeling lights my soul on fire,
It burns with amazing delight,
warm desire. How lucky I am to have this in my life,
 A most cherished feeling,
wonderfully nice.

Let me name this feeling,
it is all about you,
It is my undying, everlasting love for you.
I love you,
my dearest sweetheart,
Nothing in the world can keep us apart.


Angel and Her Lover

The lover sleeps and amid his dreams 

His angel comes on sunlit beams.

To waken him with kisses sweet,

For her love for him is oh so deep.

She wakes him with her caresses light Upon his skin and smiles so 


And in her eyes,

he sees the love She feels for him neath stars above. 

He comes to her to gently place, 

Kisses upon her neck and face. 

To caress her body and touch her soul. 

For together two become a whole.

The love they make is deep and true And in this embrace their love 


When all is done and all's been said,

 Upon her breasts he rests his head. 

And hears her heart beat for him alone.

A greater love, he's never known.

When I got first rank in class

When i got first rank in class,,,

one of my classmate asked me," you enjoy so much in class and you talks with many 

girls, then how u got first rank in class ".

I replied ....

More  girls ,,,,,,, More links   

more links ,,,,,,,,, more cheating    

more  cheating,,,,,,,, more marks 

so as i got extra marks , 

so i got the first i got first rank

more marks ,,,,,,, more impression  

more impression ,,,,, more attraction   

more attraction ,,,,,,, more encouragement     

more encouragement === more marks.

so better for the upcomming examination

jay shri radhey

jay jay shri radhey


save energy
